Social impact

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Upholding Ethics & Privacy

Ethics and privacy play a critical role in establishing a strong foundation for positive social impact. In this time of rapid innovation, big data, an evolving regulatory environment and increasing expectations from our customers, team members and communities, we are committed to continuing to lead in ethics and privacy. Our constant push to higher ethics and privacy standards will be a guidepost for our Progress Made Real work.

  • We continue our enduring commitment to transparency.
  • We ignite and inspire passion for integrity in all our employees.
  • We drive a high standard of responsibility in our partner ecosystem.

Advancing Sustainability

We have a responsibility to protect and enrich our planet together with our customers, suppliers, and communities. It is a core part of our business and we embed sustainability and ethical practices into all that we do, being accountable for our actions while driving improvements wherever and whenever possible.

  • We accelerate the circular economy.
  • We protect our planet and inspire our customers and partners to do the same.
  • We champion the many people who build our products.

Against slavery and human trafficking

Zand Medicine is committed to social and environmental responsibility. As part of this commitment, Zand Medicine prohibits slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chain and works to minimize any associated risks.

Zand Medicine Code of Conduct prohibits the use of forced, bonded (including debt bondage) or indentured labor, involuntary prison labor, slavery, or trafficking of persons. Zand Medicine considers each supplier’s conduct vis-a-vis this Code when awarding and/or renewing business with the supplier. Zand Medicine has also published policies to define our commitment to international labor and human rights standards.

These principles reinforce and strengthen our commitment to the rights of our employees, workers in our supply chain, and workers in the global community.

Zand Medicine has taken a variety of actions to verify the absence of forced labor, slavery, and human trafficking in our direct materials supply chain. We have also implemented similar initiatives for suppliers in key parts of Zand Medicine’s indirect supply chain, which includes workers who may be at risk in our direct operations such as service and contract employees.