
Zand Medicine is a medical services facilitator providing patients all around the world with access to innovative and affordable medical treatment. Partnered with leading medical centers in Asia, we are constantly probing new medical centers and the latest cutting-edge procedures for our medical network. Our experienced teams seamlessly bridge the language and cultural gaps and ensure that our referred patients receive the finest medical treatment and best travel experience.

Zand Medicine refers our patients to Medical Centers around the world. We focus our attention on top-grade hospitals (3A, 3AAA) that can provide our patients with high-quality treatment performed by highly experienced personnel while preserving affordable pricing policy.

Our medical coordinators’ team consists of multi-lingual professionals. Our referral consultants team cooperates closely with the hospital on one side and with the individual patient on the other, in order to prepare a personalized plan with the most effective treatment.

Our domestic escorting teams will accompany the patients from the minute they set step at their destination, seamlessly bridging language and cultural gaps and ensuring that our patients receive the best travel experience and the finest medical treatment.

Zand Medicine is based in Sweden with partners around the world including in Israel.


What’s next?

  1. Contact us: fill the contact form, send an email or give us a call.

  2. Send us your medical documents. We will translate and forward them to our experts.

  3. We will send you the various possible treatment plans and prices, and help you select the best option for you.

  4. If you’d like, we can help in organizing your flights and accommodation.

  5. Our personal attendant will meet you at the arrivals gate and accompany you throughout the course of your treatment.

  6. We will send the translated release documents and keep in touch with you even after you leave.


Always here for you,

Zand Medicine